pp108 : Send Message Event Properties Interface

Send Message Event Properties Interface

This topic describes the various fields on the Properties - Send Message Event

Table 1. Fields on the General Tab



User Action


A description of the Send Message event.

Provide a meaningful description for the Send Message. While typing the description, auto suggest help appears based on existing description of labels and fields. The event description is translated to a preferred language if user configures the language settings. The description for the activities and models can be seen in PIM activity table and graphical view in the preferred language selected in user preferences.

Execute Condition

The Execute Condition can be of types - Static or Read from Message In a Send Message event construct, the Execute Condition option can be used instead of the Decision construct.The Decision icon appears on the left at the bottom of the construct to indicate that the event includes a condition to be executed.

Select the Static option to specify the actual condition for execution in the Value field.Select the Read from Message option to read the condition from the Process Specific Messages in the Message Map. This ensures that the business process does not have to be modified for every change. You can build a condition by clicking the XPath editor icon () appearing at the end of this field.

  • Ensure that the Read from Message condition which is taken from the Message Map does not start with a slash.
  • If a message contains an XPath expression, then the XPath need not be in single quotes.


In this field, you can specify the process to which you want to send a message as part of inter-process communication.

Select any one of the following options from the Process Model drop-down list:

  • Parent Process:By default, if you do not select a process, the send message event of the current process will send a message to its parent process.
  • Specific Process: Select this option, if you want the current process to communicate with a specific process. Click and select required business process model from the Select Business Process Model window.
  • Any Process: Select this option, if you want the current process to communicate with any process.


Displays the selected process instance ID of the selected business process model.

The parameters for this field vary based on the Process Model selected in the previous field.

  • If you selected Parent Process as the Process Model parameter, the instance ID is displayed in a non-editable format.
  • If you selected Specific Process, then you need to provide one of the following:
    • Read from Message - Click and provide the required process Instance ID in the XPath editor.
    • Select by Business Identifiers - Click and select the required process instance ID from the Filter by Business Identifiers dialog box that appears. For more information on adding business identifiers, refer to Business Identifiers.
  • If you selected Any Process as the Process Model parameter, the Read from Message field is disabled and you can click and provide the required process Instance ID in the XPath editor.


Displays the message to be sent to the main process.When you have a send message event in the business process, you need to associate a message to that event. If there is no message specified for the send message event, then the business process will not be executed from that send message event onwards.

You may drag a message from the Message Map, or a message of any application service to the Send Message activities. Click and from the Select a Message window, select required message . The Select a Message window displays all process specific messages, Web service message and Independent Sub-process messages that are available for the current business process model.

Table 2. Fields on the Monitoring Tab



User Action

Enable Monitoring

This is the field where you can specify the monitor settings for the current event.

Enable or disable monitoring for the event.

Monitor Level

  • Activity status: Records activity status, timestamp, user, etc.
  • Activity status, input and output messages: Records the input and output messages of the activity along with its status.
  • Store complete activity information when activity aborts: Records activity status and input and output messages information only in case the activity process aborts. If the activity is successfully completed, none of the monitoring information is recorded.

Select required monitor level.

Store Recovery Data

This is the field where you can specify the store recovery settings for the current activity.

Enable or disable recovery information for the activity.

Table 3. Fields on the Annotation Tab



User Action


Additional notes or comments on the Send Message event.

Provide additional information which you might want to reuse later.

Related tasks

Setting the Properties of a Send Message Event